Tips To Thrive As A Work From Home Mom

My tips for working moms on working from home with small kids and toddlers. Including time management, our daily schedule, and routine to make extra cash.  #business #ideas #jobs #families #life

Hi friends! I hope your week is off to a great start!

In case you are new here, here is a little background… I have been working full time from home for just over three years, working nights and weekends on my blog for about a year, and staying home with two little girls.

I had an awkward encounter a few weeks ago that inspired me to write this post. I was at a child’s birthday party and sat down next to another mom of two. Since we both had two girls we were making small talk getting to know each other. She asked me if I stayed home with them or if I worked. When I told her that I worked from home with my girls she looked at me as if I was an alien. Like that wasn’t even one of the options she offered up. It got me thinking, there may be a few things that I do differently or a difference in my mindset that makes working from home with kids possible. I wanted to share all the things that work for me, if 1. you’re in the same situation as me and looking for ways to be more productive and 2. to prove to others that it is very possible to be a work-from-home mom.

Let’s get into the tips!

My tips for working moms on working from home with small kids and toddlers. Including time management, our daily schedule, and routine to make extra cash.  #business #ideas #jobs #families #life

Five Tips For Working From Home With Kids

Tip #1: Find A Routine

Both my kids and I thrive on a routine and having a set schedule, having predetermined play time and work time. Sometimes having the stress of when can really throw you off. I know I can count on getting what I need to get done at the specific time allotted. It also sets the tone for my kids so they know what to expect at certain times and there isn’t pushback or meltdowns.

Here is our typical schedule:

7:30 – Get the girls ready and pack lunches. While they eat I typically respond to my emails, check the schedule/tasks for the day, etc.

9:00 – Take girls to school (Hayden goes Tues/Fridays)

9:30-12:30 – Get as much work done as possible. If Hayden is at school I might add in a little gym time or grocery shopping.

12:30-1:30 – Lunch and pick up Gracyn from school

1:30-3:30 – Hayden naps, Gracyn does quiet time, I work.

3:30-5:00 – Household chores, preparing dinner

5:00-7:30 – Jeff gets home, family time

7:30 and after – Hayden goes to bed, Jeff plays with Gracyn, and I continue working. The evenings are when I mostly focus on my blog but if there is leftover work from the day I will finish that up too.

Tip #2: Time Is Precious

This is one that I am still working on, but getting better at! With multiple demands, I don’t have much free time so the time I do have is precious. Sometimes this means learning to say no more often. Give yourself permission to say no without feeling guilty, selfish, or mean.

Also, do as much as you can the night before to set yourself up for a successful day. Whether it’s meal prepping, laying out clothes, getting the kids’ backpacks ready for school, or prepping the coffee pot, try to prepare things the night before. This prevents wasting time during the day searching for things or being indecisive.

Tip #3: Stay Organized

I have heard from my boss multiple times that I am one of the most organized people he has ever met. I have to be that way to keep up with all the things on my plate and allow me to stay home with my girls while working. It can be overwhelming and the only way you are going to maneuver through it is if you have clear goals of what you need to accomplish (specifically that exact day, ha!). Use a planner, or an ugly dry erase calendar on your fridge, anything that can keep your thoughts and checklist in order. I freaking love check lists!

My tips for working moms on working from home with small kids and toddlers. Including time management, our daily schedule, and routine to make extra cash.  #business #ideas #jobs #families #life

Tip #4: Prioritize

Is my house more cluttered then all my stay-home-mom friends? Yes. Do I look the worst at kindergarten drop off? Yes. You can’t have it all. Prioritize what needs to be done: work deadlines, the kids fed and bathed, etc. and focus on those. And all the rest? You can get to it if there is any extra time, otherwise who cares. It’s just the season of life us mamas are in right now.

Tip #5: Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

The saying “it takes a village” is so true! I would not be able to do everything without all the support of my husband and family. Luckily for me, my mom lives close by and can help me occasionally if I need it. But I also rely on a babysitter, the occasional house cleaner, and grocery delivery. Basically, outsource where possible. Then use this alone time to crank out some work, get things done, or even just to reset. Don’t forget, your family can’t read your mind and they won’t know you need help if you don’t communicate it. Ask for help if you need it!

My tips for working moms on working from home with small kids and toddlers. Including time management, our daily schedule, and routine to make extra cash.  #business #ideas #jobs #families #life

I hope this helps to give you some insight on what it’s like to successfully work from home with kids. It’s not easy, but totally doable. I wouldn’t change the chaos for perfection, knowing it allows me to spend as much time as I can with my girls.

Do you work from home? Do you have a side hustle? Let me know down below if you have any other tips for fitting it all in!



  1. January 11, 2019 / 10:31 pm

    So many great tips, and it really helps to see your schedule laid out. I’m hoping it’ll get a bit easier as my little guy gets older and has more independent playtime. I think I’m going to focus on routine and being focussed while I am working.

    xo Jannine |

    • admin
      January 13, 2019 / 4:20 am

      Thank you so much! I really think the majority of success will come with having a routine and schedule! Hang in there, it will get easier as they get older! 🙂

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