29 Life Lessons I’ve Learned In My 20’s

29 Life lessons I have learned in my twenties. These truths are wisdom to live by and I hope they inspire you to avoid my mistakes and to live your best life! #quotes #positive #deep #advice

Twenty-NINE and feelin’ fine!

Last year on my birthday I shared 28 things about me, so this year I thought it would be fun to reflect on what the last decade has taught me. My twenties were spent raising babies, maturing, and really learning about myself. I’ve experienced so much growth and change, the girl I was at 20 is vastly different from the woman I am today. Below are the twenty nine most important life lessons I’ve learned in my 20’s.

29 Life lessons I have learned in my twenties. These truths are wisdom to live by and I hope they inspire you to avoid my mistakes and to live your best life! #quotes #positive #deep #advice

29 Life Lessons I’ve Learned In My 20’s

1. Spend your money on experiences instead of material things.

2. Quality friends over the number of friendships.

3. Create a good skincare routine and wash your face every night.

4. Take risks – start a business, move to a new city.. now is the time to do it!

5. Don’t be self conscious, everyone else is too worried about their own insecurities to notice yours.

6. Speak up for yourself or you will get continually overlooked.

7. Be open to people who are different from you, you might learn something from them!

8. Put yourself out there and work hard, opportunities don’t just fall in your lap.

9. Embrace your failures. The more you try, the more you learn and get closer to success.

10. Invest in yourself. Take a class, buy an e-book.

29 Life lessons I have learned in my twenties. These truths are wisdom to live by and I hope they inspire you to avoid my mistakes and to live your best life! #quotes #positive #deep #advice

11. Don’t make excuses, just apologize.

12. Things don’t work out for a reason. You may not see it right away, but the right opportunity or person is out there.

13. You don’t have to please everyone.

14. Eliminate negative people in your life. You don’t time for that.

15. Everything takes time. Careers, relationships, etc. all get better with time.

16. Your actions speak louder than your words.

17. “Fake it til you make it” is a real thing, ha! Act like you know what you are doing until you actually do.

18. There will never be a “perfect time” and very rarely do things actually go to plan. Just do it!

19. Say yes and seize every opportunity.

20. But also know when to say no and don’t feel bad about it.

29 Life lessons I have learned in my twenties. These truths are wisdom to live by and I hope they inspire you to avoid my mistakes and to live your best life! #quotes #positive #deep #advice

21. Your hard work will pay off.

22. It’s not all about you. Especially when you have kids.

23. You can actually love someone more then yourself.

24. Pick your battles and let the other stuff go.

25. It really does take a village to raise a kid (and for your sanity as a parent).

26. You can let go. Talking to all you “helicopter moms” like me 😉

27. The older you get, the faster time is flying by.

28. It’s okay to not have it all figured out. Trust me, no one does!

29. Tomorrow isn’t promised. Be grateful and live life to the fullest.

29 Life lessons I have learned in my twenties. These truths are wisdom to live by and I hope they inspire you to avoid my mistakes and to live your best life! #quotes #positive #deep #advice

Thank you again for all the birthday wishes!



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