Tips For Styling Wide-Leg Cropped Pants

How to wear cropped wide leg pants, even if you are short! This high waisted pants trend is perfect for causal outfits or work. #fall #boho #winter #dressy #denim

Happy Fall, Y’all! Okay, I would never say that in real life. But it’s officially FALL!!

Early Fall is by far my most favorite time of year here in San Diego. It is actually referred to as the “Local’s Summer” because the weather is still perfection, all the tourists have left, and the sunsets are out of this world! I am slowly but surely digging out the sweaters and dark denim as the weather allows, but right now I am hooked on cropped wide-leg pants! They are perfect for this time of year, when it’s not quite warm enough for shorts and it’s not quite cold enough for full length jeans.

How to wear cropped wide leg pants, even if you are short! This high waisted pants trend is perfect for causal outfits or work. #fall #boho #winter #dressy #denim

The pants I am wearing in all these photos are my new favorites! I love the ultra high waist with the button fly that sucks you in (where all the mama’s at?). They are super stretchy! I also think this stripe pattern is so fun and it is very flattering for making your legs look longer.

Update: I just saw they are on major sale!

How to wear cropped wide leg pants, even if you are short! This high waisted pants trend is perfect for causal outfits or work. #fall #boho #winter #dressy #denim

I will be the first to admit that I was a little intimidated by this trend when I first saw it. But, after trying on a ton of outfit variations I think I finally narrowed it down on how to make these wide-leg cropped pants work for everyone! Yes, even you petite ladies! The biggest tip is to keep proportions in mind. Make sure they sit high on your waist and show off the smallest part of your torso. Then pair them with something more form fitting (like a bodysuit) or if you want a loser top then opt for a front tuck. It is easy to get lost in the extra fabric so showing off your waist will help define your figure. If you are still unsure, add some heels or a mule sandal to elevate and elongate your leg.

How to wear cropped wide leg pants, even if you are short! This high waisted pants trend is perfect for causal outfits or work. #fall #boho #winter #dressy #denim

Wide leg cropped pants can look great on everyone! Check out some of the pairs I have linked below.


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